Zinc is the primary component of hot-dip galvanized coating, the oldest anti-corrosion process.

But to only recognize zinc as it is used in the galvanizing process would be a huge disservice to the natural, healthy metal. The silvery, blue-gray vital metal is abundant, essential, and common – and even more importantly infinitely recyclable.

Zinc is the 24th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. It naturally exists in the air, water, soil, and the biosphere. Most rocks and many minerals, as well as humans, plants, and animals, contain zinc in varying amounts. In fact, approximately 5.8 million tons of zinc are naturally cycled through the environment annually by plant and animal life, rainfall, natural phenomena, and other activity.

You encounter this metal every day, plus your body needs it to survive. Here is everything you ever wanted to know about…ZINC!


  • When used in sunscreen products, Zinc Oxide acts as a physical block to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, helping to reduce or prevent sunburn and premature aging of the skin. Preventing sunburn is an important factor in reducing skin cancer risk.
  • Zinc is essential for your body’s health. Some of the weirdest side effects of zinc deficiency involve abnormalities of smell and taste, because the metal is crucial to these processes.
  • As an alloy, brass is the product of mixing zinc with copper. As it turns out, the end-product really is more than the sum of its parts. For example, an instrument of pure copper would produce a “dead” sound and lack flash. Brass, on the other hand, possesses rich tones and sound that its parent metal cannot approach, which is why many musicians swear by brass instruments.
  • The amount of zinc present in the natural environment varies from place to place and from season to season. Wind and water carry minute amounts of zinc to lakes, rivers, and the sea, where it collects as sediment or is transported further. For example, falling leaves in autumn lead to a seasonal increase in zinc levels in soil and water.
  • Zinc is recyclable. More than one-third of the zinc consumed in North America is produced from recycled material. Over 2 million tons of zinc are recycled annually. Zinc can be recycled again and again and still maintain its properties. This means that zinc can be recycled forever.