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Private Maceachern
Husseys Prospectus
William Routledge
Swell Factor in Reclamation
Gowrie Mine
River Hebert
Joggins 1904 Fire
Port Hood 1911 Flood
Lamp Cabin Memorial Park
Drummond 1873 Disaster
1872 Accidents
Springhill’s Novaco Mine
1860's Accident
New Glasgow's Linacy Mine
1913 Drummond Fires
1908 Princess Fire
Albion Mines 1913 Fire
Cape Breton's TNT
The McCormick and Turner families
Payday Drunk
John Croak’s Victoria Cross
Atlantic Slag Company
Sydney Cement Company
1914 Coal Mine Cost
Dominion No 2
Canary in a Coal Mine
James Dinn
Pit Ponies
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
1877 Accidents
Allan Shaft 1912
William Fleming
The Story of Peat
T. G. MacKenzie
Trenton Steel
1930 Stats
MacGregor Mine Explosion
MacGregor Flood
Torbanite Products Limited
Abraham Gesner and Kerosene
1860 Prince of Wales Visit
Dominion No 5
The Royal William and Stellarton Coal
Tom Pit
Terminal City
1875 Accidents
Cannons in Coal Mines
Princess Mine Explosion
Dominion No. 26
A Tale of Two Mines
Franklin Colliery
Robert J. Grant
Springhill No. 1
Mother Coo
Submarine Mines
Barrachois Mine
Fundy Coal Seam
Dominion #14
Dominion #12
Dominion No 4
Child Labour
Joggins Colliery
Richmond County
Mabou Mines
Stellar Coal
English Slope
The Foster Pit Fire and the Poop Solution
Thomas Edison and the Chignecto coal mine
Henry Whitney and the Dominion Coal Company
Foord Pit
Hiawatha Coal Mine
Springhill Disasters
St. Rose-Chimney Coalfield
Stellarton, Dorrington Softball Complex
How Does Coal Form?
Drummond Coal Mine
Sydney Coalfield and the Princess Mine
Port Morien, 1720
Port Hood
General Mining Association
WWII and Nova Scotia Coal
Nova Scotia's First Railway
Samuel Cunard
Stellarton’s Mining Connections
Sydney Mines
Point Aconi
Victoria Mines
Sullivan Creek
New Campbellton
Inverness and Cabot Links
The Ghost Town of Broughton
Tobin Road, Sydney Mines
Flint Island Coal Mine?!
What does Colliery mean?
Cottam Settlement
Allan Mine
Stellarton’s Storr Pits
When a mine becomes known as the "Burnt Mines," you can probably guess that things did not end well. Here is the story of Stellarton’s Storr Pits.
In 1826, King George IV granted his brother, Prince Frederick, the Duke of York, all mineral rights in Nova Scotia that had not previously been granted. These rights were, in turn, given to the General Mining Association (GMA), a company formed by Rundell, Bridge and Rundell (RBR), the Royal Goldsmiths from 1797-1843.
The Duke of York, who was known for his free-spending ways, was heavily indebted to RBR. He gave them the mineral rights in exchange for clearing his debts and 25% of the GMA's profits.
The GMA arrived in Nova Scotia in June 1827 when a ship called the Margaret Pilkington, carrying 200 tons of mining equipment, skilled engineers and experienced miners, sailed into Pictou harbour. The company founded Albion Mines (now called Stellarton) on the west bank of the East River.
The GMA’s main focus in Nova Scotia was coal mining but funnily enough, that was not the company’s original plan. In 1825, the GMA sent a Cornish mining engineer named Blackwell to study Nova Scotia’s copper deposits. Nova Scotia had apparently acquired a reputation, largely undeserved at that point, for wealth in copper. Mr. Blackwell spent the summer visiting every then-known copper deposit in the province and concluded that the GMA should focus on coal instead. This would prove to be a significant turning point in Nova Scotia’s history.
The GMA’s first mine was called the Storr Pits and it extracted its first coal in early September, a mere three months after the GMA’s arrival. By December, Nova Scotia’s first steam engine had been installed.
The Storr Pits were sunk 240 feet to the Foord seam, next to the East River, about 200 metres east of the Dorrington Softball Complex (https://notyourgrandfathersmining.ca/stellarton-dorrington-softball-complex).
The Storr Pits (also sometimes spelled “Store”) were worked by the room and pillar method, in which "rooms" of ore are dug out while "pillars" of untouched material are left to support the roof. Many of these pillars eventually crushed (collapsed).
By 1830, the GMA employed 80 men and 14 horses on the surface, while 50 men with seven horses were producing coal underground.
In 1832, the Storr pits caught fire, killing 14 horses. The pit mouths had to be sealed and later flooded to extinguish the fire. An investigation concluded that the fire had been arson, likely set by someone opposed to the government granting mineral rights to the GMA instead of to locals.
After nine months of pumping water out of the mine, it reopened and produced until 1834 when it exploded. Recovered, it exploded again in 1836.
The Storr Pits’ last explosion took place in 1839. The explosion and ensuing fire were so severe that the workings were permanently abandoned. The Storr Pits came to be known as the Burnt Mines.
From 1828-34, the extracted coal was put into scows (flat-bottomed boats) for transport, due to the East River’s relatively shallow water.
In December 1834, a wharf was built by New Glasgow on the opposite shore. The coal was hauled from the mines to the wharf by horses on a 1.5 mile tramway, where it was loaded into small boats for carriage to cargo ships.
Between 1834-39, an actual railway (meaning it was powered by steam, not horses) was built. The Albion Railroad carried coal to piers at Abercrombie. It was Nova Scotia’s first railway and only the second in Canada. The railway's English-made locomotives were the first to run on iron rails in Canada. The line operated until 1961.
The only coal mine operating in the area today is the Stellarton surface mine which is fixing subsidence issues caused by 200 years of pick-and-shovel mining, including many bootleg mines. The mine is stabilizing the land so it can be used for development, while also creating jobs for Nova Scotians and providing fuel to Nova Scotia Power.