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Plight of Youth in 1931
Miners’ Wives Praised
Dominion No. 1B in 1931
Allan Shaft, 1931
Private Maceachern
Husseys Prospectus
William Routledge
Swell Factor in Reclamation
Gowrie Mine
River Hebert
Joggins 1904 Fire
Port Hood 1911 Flood
Lamp Cabin Memorial Park
Drummond 1873 Disaster
1872 Accidents
Springhill’s Novaco Mine
1860's Accident
New Glasgow's Linacy Mine
1913 Drummond Fires
1908 Princess Fire
Albion Mines 1913 Fire
Cape Breton's TNT
The McCormick and Turner families
Payday Drunk
John Croak’s Victoria Cross
Atlantic Slag Company
Sydney Cement Company
1914 Coal Mine Cost
Dominion No 2
Canary in a Coal Mine
James Dinn
Pit Ponies
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
1877 Accidents
Allan Shaft 1912
William Fleming
The Story of Peat
T. G. MacKenzie
Trenton Steel
1930 Stats
MacGregor Mine Explosion
MacGregor Flood
Torbanite Products Limited
Abraham Gesner and Kerosene
1860 Prince of Wales Visit
Dominion No 5
The Royal William and Stellarton Coal
Tom Pit
Terminal City
1875 Accidents
Cannons in Coal Mines
Princess Mine Explosion
Dominion No. 26
A Tale of Two Mines
Franklin Colliery
Robert J. Grant
Springhill No. 1
Mother Coo
Submarine Mines
Barrachois Mine
Fundy Coal Seam
Dominion #14
Dominion #12
Dominion No 4
Child Labour
Joggins Colliery
Richmond County
Mabou Mines
Stellar Coal
English Slope
The Foster Pit Fire and the Poop Solution
Thomas Edison and the Chignecto coal mine
Henry Whitney and the Dominion Coal Company
Foord Pit
Hiawatha Coal Mine
Springhill Disasters
St. Rose-Chimney Coalfield
Stellarton, Dorrington Softball Complex
How Does Coal Form?
Drummond Coal Mine
Sydney Coalfield and the Princess Mine
Port Morien, 1720
Port Hood
General Mining Association
WWII and Nova Scotia Coal
Nova Scotia's First Railway
Samuel Cunard
Stellarton’s Mining Connections
Sydney Mines
Point Aconi
Victoria Mines
Sullivan Creek
New Campbellton
Inverness and Cabot Links
The Ghost Town of Broughton
Tobin Road, Sydney Mines
Flint Island Coal Mine?!
What does Colliery mean?
Cottam Settlement
Allan Mine
Tobin Road, Sydney Mines.
Cape Breton has an amazing history of coal mining. Coal was first mined in Sydney in 1672. The first commercial coal mining venture in Canada was established by the French three centuries ago, in 1720, in Cow Bay to supply the Fortress of Louisbourg.
Coal still provides half of Nova Scotia’s electricity.
There have been 16 different coal mines in the Tobin Road area, dating back to the 1850s. The partial map below shows some but not all. (The full map is available at https://novascotia.ca/.../pdf/ofm_1987-014_s01_200_cln.pdf).
There was also a great deal of bootleg mining in which shallow shafts were sunk on the coal outcrop to extract small quantities to sell or heat homes.
Note that many historical mines and quarries operated under different names in different periods, often based on who owned them at the time. We note below where mines had more than one name.
The General Mining Association, which had a monopoly on most Nova Scotia mineral rights from 1827-57, operated the Railroad Pit (aka Old Jubilee mine) in the 1850s (the specific dates of production are uncertain). The mine worked the Stony (No.3) Seam.
The Ingraham mine was developed by Roach & McInnis who purchased the property in 1863 and later sold it to a Mr. Ingraham. The mine opened in 1864 and produced a modest quantity coal from the Indian Cove Seam until 1869 when it closed. It was operated again from 1874-76.
The MacKay Mining Company operated the Colonial No. 2 mine (aka the Bras d’Or Coal Company Colonial No. 2 mine and the Beaver Hat mine). The mine operated on the Stony (No. 3) Seam from 1897-1903 and from 1907-1924. The site was also mined for clay for the steel plant.
William MacKay (1873-1934) was an engineer and businessman from Newfoundland but his father was from Pictou, which is where young William got his early education. MacKay later worked in St. John’s, New York on the French Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon in the telegraph, electricity and railway industries.
He moved to Sydney, Nova Scotia, in 1901 where he worked for a local electrical utility. In 1902, William and his brother, Gower, established the electrical contracting firm of W.A. Mackay & Company which did contracting work throughout Atlantic Canada.
In 1904 the two brothers established the Sydney Mines Electric Company which constructed and installed an electric lighting station in Sydney Mines. This was during a period of prosperity in Sydney Mines. Construction of the most efficient and modern steel plant in Canada began in there in 1902 and much of the town’s infrastructure was built in the early 1900s (i.e. sewer, water, electricity, paved streets).
William and Gower got into coal mining as the Mackay Mining Company (known later as the Colonial Coal Company Limited) around 1906. In 1913-14 William was mayor of North Sydney. By 1920 William had returned to Newfoundland where he continued to pursue a range of business interests.
The Bras d’Or Coal Company Colonial No. 3 mine operated briefly from 1917-1918 on the Collins (Phalen) Seam.
The Bras d’Or Coal Company’s Last Chance mine also worked the Collins (Phalen) Seam. When it operated is not known.
The Indian Cove Coal Company’s Tom Pit operated from 1918-1963, but for the last 20 years it only served as ventilation for the Greener colliery (shown in the bottom right-hand corner of the map).
The Hartigan Coal Company’s Jessie’s Slope mine operated in 1925 on the Stony (No.3 Seam).
The Sydney Mines Coal Company’s MacDonald Prospect (aka Dead Rat) worked the Indian Cove (Backpit) Seam from 1928-1932.
The Sydney Mines Coal Company’s New Beaver Hat mine (aka the Paradise mine, and the MacDonald mine when opened) operated from 1932-1934 on the Stony (No.3) Seam.
The Sydney Mines Coal Company’s Second Last Chance mine operated from 1933-1936 on the Collins (Phalen) Seam.
The Indian Cove Coal Company ran the Sullivan mine from 1933-1946 on the Edwards (Millpond) Seam.
The British Coal Company operated the MacDougall mine from 1934-1939 on the Stony (No.3) Seam.
The Sydney Mines Coal Company’s New Beaver Hat No. 2 mine (aka Paradise) operated briefly in 1935 on the Stony (No.3) Seam.
The British Coal Company operated the Black Diamond (aka Astefen) mine from 1938-1940 on the Stony (No.3) Seam.
The Indian Cove Coal Company’s Tomson mine operated from 1938-62. It was opened on the Indian Cove (Backpit) Seam by the British Coal Company which operated it from 1938-1940.
The British Coal Company ran the Stanley mine from 1940-1942 on the Collins (Phalen) Seam.
The area was not mined for several decades until 2004 when Cape Crushing Ltd. took a surface bulk sample of 10,000 tons from the Collins (Phalen) Seam. This was the last mining that took place there.
The reclamation work Cape Crushing did after its bulk sample was studied along with several other modern-era surface coal mines at Alder Point, Little Pond, Reserve Mines, Toronto Road and Point Aconi. The study concluded that “that when mining companies plan for and employ best surface coal mine reclamation practices, land in Nova Scotia can be returned to an Acadian forest, or other beneficial land uses” (https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/mg/ofi/htm/ofi_2012-012.asp).
The Department of Energy and Mines recently completed some reclamation work on the old Ingraham mine site, eliminating hazards posed by slopes and shafts created in the 1800s.
Unfortunately, historical mines were often not reclaimed for the simple reason that there was no understanding of human impacts on the environment back then. Bootleg/illegal mines also left an unfortunate legacy of abandoned mine openings that can be safety issues.
In the modern era, before getting operating permits, mining companies must get government approval of reclamation plans and post reclamation bonds (money in escrow, basically) that ensure funds are available to properly take care of sites. In fact, reclamation is a key part of the mining process today and progressive reclamation - reclaiming areas where extraction is complete while continuing to mine elsewhere on-site – is standard industry practice.