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John Scott Williams
Nicholas Fitzgerald
Chief Lonecloud
Pistols and Gold Mines
James MacDonald’s Thefts
John’s Vaughn
Herbert Dixon and the Halifax Explosion
James Bishop
Neily's Scandals
Waverley in 1934
Discovery of Gold at Dufferin
Hurricane Island
Fletcher and Faribault
Jack Munroe
Mine Apprentice Project
Small Gold Districts
15 Mile Stream
E. Percy Brown and the Brookfield Mine
Nova Rich Mines
Shad Bay Treasure Hunt
Montague 1937 Accident
Father Lanigan’s “Prospect”
George V. Douglas
The Stewart Brothers
Moose River's Touquoy Mine
Camerons Mountain
Jim Campbells Barren
Stanburne's Puzzling Gold Mine
Beaverbank Lake
Banook Mining Company
Deep Gold Mining
Arsenic and Gold
War of Words
King of the Klondike
Oliver Millett
Kempt Gold Mining Company
The Memramcook Fiasco
Love and Gold in Oldham
Montague 1893 Disaster
Central Rawdon Consolidated Mines
Cochrane Hill
Amateurish Early Gold Mining
Sable Island Gold
The Sea Wolf
Trueman Hirschfield
Alexander Heatherington
Prospector Joe Cope
Killag Quicksand
George W. Stuart
Billy Bell
Cooper Jim Mine
South Branch Stewiacke
Walter Prest
Lake Charlotte
Acadia Powder Mills Company
The Ovens Anticline
Moose River Anticline
Avon Mine Explosion
Waverley Claims Dispute
Avon River
Moose River Disaster
Mooseland Scam
New York and Nova Scotia Gold Mining Company
Rosario Siroy and the South Uniacke Gold District
Killag Gold District
Miller Lake
Baron Franz von Ellershausen
Mooseland: Nova Scotia’s first Gold Discovery
United Goldfields of Nova Scotia
Pleasant River Barrens Gold District
Lochaber Gold Mining Company
Rawdon Gold Mines
MacLean Brook
Gold in Clayton Park?!
Forest Hill
Meguma vs. Placer Gold
Voglers Cove
Gold River
Indian Path
Harrigan Cove
Centre Rawdon
Nova Scotia’s Gold Mining History
Middle River Gold District
Early Gold Discoveries
Halifax 1867
Paris Exhibition 1867
Mining and Tourism
An Act relating to the Gold Fields
Molega Gold District
Brookfield Gold District
Gays River
Halifax Gold
Caribou Gold District
Renfrew Gold District
Oldham Gold District
Whiteburn Gold District
Country Harbour Mines
Waverley Gold District
Robert Henderson and Klondike Gold
George Mercer Dawson
Cow Bay Gold District
Lake Catcha Gold District
Wine Harbour Gold District
Baron Franz von Ellershausen
Nova Scotia’s first gold rush in the early 1860s was international news and it attracted a number of immigrants from other countries.
One of them was Baron Franz von Ellershausen who was born in Saxony, Germany, in 1820 and came to Nova Scotia in 1862.
Ellershausen worked in the Mooseland gold district, the site of Nova Scotia’s first gold discovery in 1858. In fact, he built the first stamp mill in Mooseland in 1862, a small four-stamp mill. It was replaced the following year by a better mill built by W. H. Newman. Ellershausen’s mill was later taken to the mines in Tangier and Chezzetcook.
Ellershausen also worked in the Waverley gold district. From 1863-65, he managed a number of areas formerly held by the Chebucto Mining Association on American Hill in Waverley.
While it was gold that brought him to Nova Scotia, mining is not how he made his wealth here. In 1864, Ellershausen built a pulp and paper mill on the St. Croix River in Hants County. In 1864-65 he gained ownership of 60,000 acres of land in the area, including the Stillwater and Panuke lakes.
By 1866, he had built an elegant residence (which still stands and is pictured below), started work on a second, and built 32 houses for German immigrant families who had been shipwrecked off Sable Island. After they were rescued, Ellershausen offered them jobs and they ended up living in his settlement, then known as Ellershouse Village but today just called Ellershouse.
The village grew to have four stores, three hotels, a church, school, two steam mills and a sugar beet farm. Ellershausen followed utopian ideals, striving to reward sobriety and hard work with decent working conditions and high wages.
By the 1870s, Ellershausen had made a fortune, but despite his success in pulp and paper, he was not done with mining.
The elegant residence Ellershausen had built near his own mansion was intended for his friend, mining engineer Adolph Guzman. Ellershausen assumed that Guzman would marry one of Ellershausen’s daughters but, in 1872, the young lady turned Guzman down. Guzman fled to Newfoundland and began staking claims in Notre Dame Bay for Ellershausen.
Ellershausen moved to Notre Dame Bay in the spring of 1874 and quickly took over a copper deposit at Betts Cove. Next, he sailed to Britain and organized the Betts Cove Mining Company with two Glasgow capitalists, William Dickson and Walter MacKenzie. Leaving them to conclude financial arrangements, he returned to Ellershouse, Nova Scotia, to hire 30 German men as miners for the Betts Cove copper mine.
Ellershausen went on to make another fortune in Newfoundland by running numerous mines, most of them around Notre Dame Bay.
In the summer of 1879, Ellershausen formed a company to drain Cape Breton’s Lake Ainslie to prepare for drilling for oil beneath the lake. He figured if there was not oil in economic quantities, he could turn the exposed ground into fertile farm lands. The project ended in scandal. In the fall of 1879, he exploited the name and subscription of a Boston lawyer, who angrily withdrew his backing from the company and advised others to do likewise, causing the project to collapse.
Ellershausen also had more troubles in Newfoundland. In the early 1880s, his associate and close friend, William Dickson, passed away. Adolph Guzman, also a friend as well as colleague, left Newfoundland for the United States and Guzman’s replacement as mine manager did not work out. In a letter to Newfoundland’s premier, William Whiteway, Ellershausen said of Guzman’s replacement that he would never reappoint him: “My reasons are so manifold that it is useless to enumerate them...the fellow will sit on me for life....”
Ellershausen also ended up in another scandal in this period when it was revealed that Premier Whiteway had a vested interest in the Notre Dame Bay mines and a planned railway that would benefit the mines - while making government policy decisions related to the mines and railway.
In August 1884 he left Newfoundland and went prospecting in Spain. He achieved some fame in the early 1900s for patenting techniques of ore refinement and died in Berlin in 1914 at the age of 94.
Nova Scotia had three historical gold rushes in the 1800s and early 1900s. Today we are in the middle of a fourth. The Moose River gold mine opened in 2017 and made Nova Scotia’s potential for gold international news once again. Other gold mines are now in the works. The Moose River mine employs 300 people and is helping many young people stay here instead of moving away for work, as so many before them have done.
Mining is Nova Scotia’s high-paying resource industry with average total compensation (wages plus benefits) of $87,000 per year.